I've been neglecting my blog, but never fear, my I haven't been neglecting my scrapbooking!
I did most of this page a couple of weeks ago, but waited on to finish because I needed to wait on that last photo.
ScrapMatters' Template Tuesday 04/14/09 by sahlin studio
Parfaitement Imparfait! by Kawouette designs
Black Ice alpha by Danielle Corbitt
font is American Typewriter
In all honesty, I really didn't know whether those seeds were going to sprout or not, but of course Logan always believed ... and so when I saw those little sprouts poking through the dirt, I thought of that verse.
Here's another from a template; I did this one yesterday and today. (And yes, these may be the cutest pictures EVER.)
ScrapMatters' Template Tuesday 04/14/09 by sahlin studio
Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah by Plum Dumpling Designs
heart is from Hearts by Andrea
splatter from The Blues by Pineapple Plantation Designs / Ziggle Scraps
fonts are Cafe Rojo, Pea Yar Yar, and Rebekah's Birthday
And one more, which I scraplifted (check out the original layout here):
A lift of Linz's Caught in the Act
Some papers and ribbons from Welcome Home by Erica Zane (this free mini-kit is available at ScrapMatters by uploading a few layouts to the gallery and introducing yourself in the forums).
The rest of the papers and ribbons from Fairchild Add-on by Britt-ish Designs and My Ribbon Jar by Britt-ish Designs
Button from Fairchild add-on by Britt-ish Designs
Reuse Recycle Flowers by Britt-ish Designs (if you use any -- ANY -- Britt-ish Designs product and e-mail Britt with the "Show-Off" layout, you'll get a free gift every week; this was the gift from a few weeks ago)
Dots from Loverly by Sahlin Studios (from the ScrapMatters Design contest)
Screw, string, tag, and recolored alpha by Little Man by Purple Tulip Studios (from the ScrapMatters Design contest)
Doodletime by Tracie Stroud
Circles border (recolored) from Playtime by geniaBeanie scraps (again, from the ScrapMatters Design contest)
Tape from Adventures in Reading by Plum Dumpling Designs (one more from the ScrapMatters Design contest ... yes, many of these links are still active!)
Rubberband by Gunhilde Storeide
Hearts by Andrea
fonts are scrap kids and American Typewriter
5 years ago